Synchronizing all Instances for NLB using ascmd Script

Thanks to Lin Li for her support on NLB.
1. Download the ascmd Project (used to trigger MDX, XMLA or DMX from batch windows).
2. Compile and run the Project (This creates an exe file called ascmd.exe) . This may require decryption
3. Generate XMLA files that Synchronize one instance with rest of all and store this into a file with xmla extension, say SyncInstance02.xmla, SyncInstance03.xmla and so on.

4. Create a batch file, say Sync.cmd, containing script that use ascmd file to execute XMLA:

ascmd -S -i "SyncInstance02.xmla"
asmcd -S -i "
.... -S i "SyncInstance0n.xmla"

5. Place all the Script and executable files into a folder (.cmd, .xmla, ascmd.exe) into a folder.

6. To Automate the Process:
Use SSASInstance01 for Processing, and the rest of the instance should be synced for all kinds of refreshes done on Instance01. You may add an Execute process task to execute the cmd script after Incrementally or Fully processing SSASInstance01 Objects.


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